
Showing posts from July, 2021

We don't have time for this nonsense

 For petty squabbles and division. Because of where our economy and the planet is quickly headed our quality of life is in danger and society is on the verge of collapse. The impending scenarios require our full and immediate attention if we're going to avoid that and leave our children and grandchildren any kind of a decent legacy and world to live in.

Commentating on people should not be paid job

 Why do we pay people to be professional busybodies and bullies? It's absurd. We pay people to be provocateurs, to pick people apart and create buzz in so doing. The nature of social media encourages others to join in. It's sick.

We had a president who put the worst parts of himself on display on a regular

 And his followed traveled in the newfound freedom they felt to do likewise, to let their bigotry, disdain, bullying, mockery, crudeness, and cruelty hang out. This they embraced, the freedom to be unabashedly and unapologetically awful. Of course cancel culture was the response, because reactions are always opposite and equal. The cruelty was unrestrained and over the top, so cancel culture will be also. Cancel culture is a direct result of the culture that elevated Trump, but those who support him don't recognize or want to acknowledge their part in creating the very climate they bristle at. it. Trump gave behaving badly a green light, because he went on a prolonged ego trip after realizing how much people loved it when he was awful, observing that he could literally kill someone in broad daylight and still be their hero. It should be horrifying to us to see that's absolutely true, that people will find a way to justify absolutely any level of vile behavior.

Those "gotcha" moments aren't good

 We've gotta release that, it's like a monkey in our backs, that addiction to one-upmanship. Release the notion that revenge is sweet. It's not sweet to be vengeful, a vengeful spirit is a low to our peace, and doesn't actually get released just because we see someone 'get theirs' or get what we believe they have coming. An article except by Maddy Heeszel on Metaspoon: " Metaspoon PEOPLE REVEAL THEIR WHIMSICAL REVENGE STORY By Maddy Heeszel - June 14th, 2021 "We all have a different idea of what 'amusing' is. Some of us consider amusement to be sitting on the couch watching reruns of old TV shows while others prefer social outings with good friends as a way to stay entertained. But one thing is for sure: when we're able to muster enough courage to stand up for ourselves (and successfully do), we always get a little kick, a little dose of amusement. There's not really a greater feeling than knowing you were able to snap back at someone w...

What's my fantasy?

 It's to see us all growing and doingit together, while being aware that we're making strides, us seeing it happen and going, "YES! We're evolving and we're doing it because we're unified in our purpose and leaving no one behind."

One of the biggest misconceptions were

 One of the biggest misconceptions were operating is that we make we gain something by making another person feel like an idiot or feel bad about themselves. We don't gain anything we do the opposite

We need to become much more intentional

 Talk about how I've seen intention work, almost like a magic trick, but more like a superpower that's not actually a superpower because we can all do it, and it's not really that hard. It requires genuiness and tapping into our innate power and oneness with God, our co-creative nature's ability. Be quiet and still, pensive, lead with good intentions, which help you see clearly which words to choose, and move forward with openness, receptivity, a reconciliatory frame of mind and readiness to dialogue rather than react or win, or suppress or subjugate.

We need to learn more about energy and the power of our words and intentions

 We need to understand this isn't some new age-y concept. We can see it play out in our interactions, in our families and workplaces. We can see the long-term effects of both positive and negative energy pervading the atmosphere because our words have been carefully chosen or not, our intentions good or not. Words have immense power. Good will toward others, or the lack thereof has immense power.

An eye opening moment

 My response to a teen was rewritten, and my revived reply made her day and probably made a difference.  I gave the question real thought, but also paused to make sure my reply was both helpful and kind. It so happened that it was what she needed, as other replies had been unnecessarily judgmental, self-serving, and even abrupt or cruel. And these were from grown-ups! This was different behavior for me, I'm ashamed to concede. I decided to make a day of giving only kind and helpful responses, no snark allowed even in situations that warranted it. In those situations, or where the person was being ugly themself, I simply moved along, telling myself it is absolutely not necessarily to react, and doing so just adds negative energy to the atmosphere.

First things first

 So, how do we start? How do we frame our perspective and methodology for moving forward? Our goal should be: achieving what's best by doing what works. How do we know what's best? Only by educating ourselves, making real education a real priority. And education doesn't mean plucking bits and pieces that support our existing views from the internet, not does it mean regurgitating news sound bites. It means getting back to real learning. In this way, we really CAN be great again, by becoming a learned, articulate, cultured society rather than a crass, superficial, frivolous one. Anti-intellectualism has to be a thing of the past. When we really educate yourselves, the path we should set before us comes into sharper focus. Educating ourselves should include psychology, anthropology, sociology, geology, etc , and understanding of the nature and inner workings of the universe, the world, and its inhabitants 

Second shift should be to this as our new priority, a stabilized world

We can afford to tone it down

 Tone down the rhetoric. Make our delivery, kinder, gentler, and lead with the best intentions for us all. When we're overly dramatic and dogmatic in our approach, the natural reaction is defensiveness, people returning the same energy. That's not productive at all, in fact it's counterproductive. One could argue that we're not really as passionate and genuinely caring about an issue or cause as we profess to be if we go about voicing our views in a way that causes others to dig in their heels. We know what we're doing when we're argumentative. Or we should. Beating people over the head or trying to loud talk them into submission is not justifiable as a strategy precisely because it does. not. work.

INTRO? The Himalaya Ride as Metaphor for Life in US

 When I was a kid growing up in the '60s, the annual county fair was a very big deal. When folks in our area talked about fair weather, we meant the type of weather that was perfect for enjoying the county fair, with just a slight nip in the air. The fair that took place in our county every fall was one of the largest in the Southeast. People from all over the western half of the state would converge on our city for its ten-day run to take in the competitions, shows, carnival games, rides, and food that at that time you could only get at the fair.  My family was lucky in that the fairgrounds were adjacent to our neighborhood. At the end of every night of the fair there would be a spectacular fireworks show, which we had a perfect view of from the picture window in our breakfast nook.  It was a simpler time, a time when parents didn't think twice about letting their kids walk to the fair, so my neighborhood friends and I would always go at least twice. We would fill up on ...

We're literally making ourselves worse by the thoughts we think about one another

 The more we think about how awful 'others' are, the more awful they become, and the wider the divide becomes. If we think about one another as sisters and brothers, as parts of ourselves and One, we will begin to function like a well oiled machine. We're an organism, that's just a fact. We can't become separate from one another except in a sense that we're imagining, a construct. We're either a healthy organism or an unhealthy organism, and everyone is affected in some way no matter which.

The first shift

 Needs an intro. First shift had a slow lead-up. Talk about SLIder, seeing spirits, the events on Vanderbilt Ave The healing event and what followed

Revenge is not all that sweet

 Talk about how revenge feels good in the moment but really it's something that Fester comes from a place of festering in the soul and may only feel good for a brief moment we have usually have to lower our own vibration and bring ourselves down to below where our offender is in order to achieve revenge that brings about the desired effect.


 Right now we're as far from oneness as we could possibly be, it seems. But oneness is truth and oneness is the only real reality. If we speak in any way in terms of divisions, which are all emphasize all artificial and constructs, we contribute to keeping ourselves from finding peace and harmony.

Speak Life

 Toby Mac song. The importance of speaking it to ourselves and others. The power of words, which have beingness and energy. How they last within minds and spiritu. Too many if us speaking death these days, literally killing one another with words. Tongue mightier than sword.

Talking about accelerated aging

 Life on earth is a terminal disease as we understand, but I'm suddenly going fast, process sped up. It has to be the mind-bidy connection. I've been not only sedentary, but feeding myself crap. Your body will absolutely tell you when you're feeding it and treating it wrong and your body will tell you what it needs.

Water is life, fresh organic fruits and veggies are life

 Abundant clean water is such a necessity, we have to bee stewards of it. Vibrant foods show you their life force. Eat those things! The more light emanating from a food, the better it is for your nourishment.

Possible idea for a second

 Talk about the things that are commonality and all the ndes and s t e's and which one of them are corroborated by scripture of various pigeons and explore if that tells us what things in scripture we need to talk out because they were clearly just add it on a human to who live in fear and who want to control other people.

Talk about the common features of India's, psychics, spiritual

 What do they say about the nature of who we are what we are, what do they say about the nature of God in the universe, what do they say about what they see for our future and how we get there?

Talk about Christianity and how rotten it has become

 Christianity has literally, at least the Western version of it, has been so bastardized but try to find a better word, that he has destroyed people's ability to recognize what is actually good. People need to realize that the scripture of the man Jesus that they say their religion is based on, people need to realize that Jesus would definitely not be a conservative or republican come in fact, he would be very much a oh what's that thing that they call people who just talk about goodness being the goal you'll remember what it is but anyway that's what he would be. Oh yeah! Secular humanist.

I know I need to move my body to get healthy but I can't

 Which means I have to do the gentlest of things, but I also have to lose the weight by changing the way I eat, because there's too much bearing on weekend arthritic joints.

Talk about what's hard to talk about

 Talk about the things that I can remember that I've done that we're not nice, the things that I've done to have hurt people. Talk about my older and finding out about how bad that must be and talk about the possibility of Future fitness within the body being related to the wedding treat people and what you're putting into your body and your soul.


 And what we do and what we impart to others we have to do it without judgment. If you do it with judgment you almost undo everything good that you tried to put out there. We can't judge ourselves anymore than we judge others, because when we judge ourselves get down and depressed because we feel like we're failed or gotten off track we just kind of stop and become stuck in it stop making the progress we want to

Being a good citizen

 Is that a goal we should try to achieve? What does it mean to be a good citizen of your community, of your country, of the world of the universe?

Talk about the use of pharmaceuticals

 Talk about my own medicine use. Talk about how eating good food could be a substitution. Talk about my altering drugs both manufactured and natural.

Explore the best ways to spread goodness and light

 What's the best way to do it if you're an extrovert? What's the best way to do it if you're an introvert? Do we need to make ourselves go out among people and build community in that way? Or should everybody find their own way of doing this?

Talk about improving my body in terms of exercise

 What my body used to be like what I used to do the athleticism. Talk about what that's come to and what my body is like now. Talk about what kind of diseases and illnesses I'm predisposed to genetically. Talk about how my lifestyle has contributed to along with that pretty opposed genetics to a body that's in very bad shape. Talk about decay and whether or not we can reverse it whether or not we can change ourselves on a cellular level and how those cells are connected to souls.


 How improving myself will improve my parenting and how necessary that is because your kids watch your example and may develop bad habits that will keep them from achieving their goals.

So, what kind of stuff do I listen to and watch.

 This year the podcast and YouTube channels and the kinds of things I follow and what I read. This may be time to go into what happened to me and my s t e.

Finally in this life there is something I want and something that I've set off to go for.

I've never been one who wanted to accumulate things and never really had a lofty goal in terms of things like career or attaining material goods or even things like houses cars or whatever. I've instead been someone who just lives day to day and does what comes deals with what comes as it comes. And maybe that's the result of what happened to me when my child died and I got into an anxiety of just reacting and everything that came with me at a time because things got so bad because I felt like life was just throwing one obstacle after another at me and I've been in survival mode rather than being someone who sets a goal and works toward it. But now I do have a goal which means now I have a reason to get up every day having agenda and do something productive. I want to be a carrier of light and I want to be healthy and I want to be a good person

Self care has to be the first thing

 Actually the first thing is introspection. And once we become introspective, we begin to realize that self care is necessary and self care is not selfishness it's actually what's necessary for us to be able to be healthy enough and have energy enough to pour out good to other people.

Good things in, good things out

 We have to be very conscientious about what we inhale known as not the word what we absorb because it affects what we're able to put out into the atmosphere and give to other people.

An Awakening is needed

 And Awakening is going to come. A new age is going to be ushered in, and it's going to take a lot of people waking up to what's happening to lead us into it. I had to make a decision to become one of those people who will lead rather than give in to the pool of the current atmosphere.

Mainstream media and social media

 How they affect the way we feel and the way we think and our approach to one another how they affect our souls

What's right for me is not right for all

 Or at least it may not be. Maybe refer to the Bible scripture about bullying people about food. But everyone has to do what's right for them and do live with integrity in order to feel good.

I have been feeling like I'm decaying

 Describe my body

What we feed ourselves matters

 And that goes for mind, body, and soul.