First things first

 So, how do we start? How do we frame our perspective and methodology for moving forward? Our goal should be: achieving what's best by doing what works. How do we know what's best? Only by educating ourselves, making real education a real priority. And education doesn't mean plucking bits and pieces that support our existing views from the internet, not does it mean regurgitating news sound bites. It means getting back to real learning. In this way, we really CAN be great again, by becoming a learned, articulate, cultured society rather than a crass, superficial, frivolous one. Anti-intellectualism has to be a thing of the past.

When we really educate yourselves, the path we should set before us comes into sharper focus. Educating ourselves should include psychology, anthropology, sociology, geology, etc , and understanding of the nature and inner workings of the universe, the world, and its inhabitants 
