
Room to Breathe

 When something happens, we get wind of something in the news, we need to give it room to breathe. How many times in recent years have we discovered after initial angry reactions that things were actually not as reported or not as they seemed? But by reacting right away, and this includes the media too anxious to get the scoop or an edge, that we create and escalate tension unnecessarily.

We don't have time for this nonsense

 For petty squabbles and division. Because of where our economy and the planet is quickly headed our quality of life is in danger and society is on the verge of collapse. The impending scenarios require our full and immediate attention if we're going to avoid that and leave our children and grandchildren any kind of a decent legacy and world to live in.

Commentating on people should not be paid job

 Why do we pay people to be professional busybodies and bullies? It's absurd. We pay people to be provocateurs, to pick people apart and create buzz in so doing. The nature of social media encourages others to join in. It's sick.

We had a president who put the worst parts of himself on display on a regular

 And his followed traveled in the newfound freedom they felt to do likewise, to let their bigotry, disdain, bullying, mockery, crudeness, and cruelty hang out. This they embraced, the freedom to be unabashedly and unapologetically awful. Of course cancel culture was the response, because reactions are always opposite and equal. The cruelty was unrestrained and over the top, so cancel culture will be also. Cancel culture is a direct result of the culture that elevated Trump, but those who support him don't recognize or want to acknowledge their part in creating the very climate they bristle at. it. Trump gave behaving badly a green light, because he went on a prolonged ego trip after realizing how much people loved it when he was awful, observing that he could literally kill someone in broad daylight and still be their hero. It should be horrifying to us to see that's absolutely true, that people will find a way to justify absolutely any level of vile behavior.

Those "gotcha" moments aren't good

 We've gotta release that, it's like a monkey in our backs, that addiction to one-upmanship. Release the notion that revenge is sweet. It's not sweet to be vengeful, a vengeful spirit is a low to our peace, and doesn't actually get released just because we see someone 'get theirs' or get what we believe they have coming. An article except by Maddy Heeszel on Metaspoon: " Metaspoon PEOPLE REVEAL THEIR WHIMSICAL REVENGE STORY By Maddy Heeszel - June 14th, 2021 "We all have a different idea of what 'amusing' is. Some of us consider amusement to be sitting on the couch watching reruns of old TV shows while others prefer social outings with good friends as a way to stay entertained. But one thing is for sure: when we're able to muster enough courage to stand up for ourselves (and successfully do), we always get a little kick, a little dose of amusement. There's not really a greater feeling than knowing you were able to snap back at someone w...

What's my fantasy?

 It's to see us all growing and doingit together, while being aware that we're making strides, us seeing it happen and going, "YES! We're evolving and we're doing it because we're unified in our purpose and leaving no one behind."

One of the biggest misconceptions were

 One of the biggest misconceptions were operating is that we make we gain something by making another person feel like an idiot or feel bad about themselves. We don't gain anything we do the opposite